Saturday 24 October 2015

Our Times - Possibly The Best Couple Movie of All Time

I'm not quite the type to watch a movie of which its language I'm not familiar with, but after hearing a few of my friends opinion about it. I decided to watch it and figured that she might like it too. So, I told her to make time, because we're gonna watch after work.

Taken from

Watching the movie at first, I was being skeptical with thoughts of how could such a movie be that good. The introduction was alright, but the turning point for it is when they went back into time. The longer I watch, the more I like it and I paid much more attention to the characters portraying the emotions. They were very genuine.

Without realizing much, I was turning more emotional and nostalgic. I could relate to almost every part of the movie, especially on the part where it showed about high school activities. Even included the puppy love, which I'm sure almost everyone I know would have had some experienced in it (otherwise, they pretty much didn't have a life back then =P ).

Towards the end, I had mixed feelings of joy, sorrow and touched feelings. After a while, I was overwhelmed and I couldn't hold back my manly tears, and let it go... I was also surprised by the special casting by some really unexpected actors! All I can say is bravo to the director and producer of this movie! The cast were also amazing!

This movie, Our Times, is a definitely must-watch movie!

Sunday 26 July 2015

25072015 Big Bang Concert in Malaysia!

It's finally concert day! After the long wait, we're finally going to see Big Bang live in person! And even better, Min & I won ourselves sound-check passes (means we get to see them do a rehearsal before the main event!) OMGOSH! Never have I been this lucky!! Amazingly I didn't expect myself to be this excited!

Because of the sound-check passes, Min & I had to be there early to collect them. When we got there, there were quite a number of people at the venue already. Talk about being early, lol.

Take a good look at it =D

Min's excited about it! 

Queuing up for the sound-check! 

Wait there's another queue... for the subway! 

And then another queue within the stadium, just outside the stage area. 

Finally, we got in.
However, Min and I got separated, so we were standing at different places. 

While I looked for me, I had to selfie first.
It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance! 

Panoramic view of how it looks like from front to back. 

Big Bang appears on stage! 

Look at all the pretty lights! This is just a small part of what's to be expected from their later on.

Seungri being very sporting, allowing us to take close up pictures of him! 

Taeyang too! See him posing there? xD 

The sound-check only lasted about 15-20 minutes?!!
And I finally found Min. It is a must to take a selfie again! 
Hehe =D

Banana Chocolate 'pancake'
I got quite hungry but had no idea what I want to eat (besides the buns which I had bought much earlier in the morning). Saw this unique looking food, and ordered myself one of it.

Then, it was time for us to go into the concert stage area.
Again, this is not to be missed! =D

Panoramic view from where we were seated.
We were actually very close to the stage! 

Showtime baby!

Showing off Min's lightstick!

They're not only good looking, but their performance is amazing! 

G-Dragon style!


The 'bridge' actually separates and combines again!

G-Dragon peace sign!

Big Bang

Tae Yang

We: Min & I




The concert experience is indescribable. Dae-bak! Even that word doesn't come close to expressing how I felt after the concert. I was more than excited, amazed, happy, thrilled and hungry. So, naturally the first thing I wanted to do is to get some food for the both of us.

Went to Cafe Korea in Sri Petaling and ordered us some delightful light bites =)

Fried Chicken (honey coated)

Kimchi Pancake (new item)

Cheese Sticks (looks like popiah stuffed with cheese)

Wednesday 8 July 2015

The Better One of Us

When she told me about how she felt with the way I talked with her, I realized that I should pay more attention to what I say, and how I said it. Sometimes the words I used have 'thorns' and they sting a lot. Words are more crucial as they 'beat' us and sometimes stay very long, in our emotional wavelength. Unlike physical wounds, the scaring from emotional wounds are very hard to heal.

I only knew how much it hurts to be on the receiving side, when I heard her sharing how she felt. At that time, I realized just how much of a jerk I am. Gratefully, she's someone who's better at understanding situation than I am. She knew I must be very stressed to be that way. She even knew that I'm the type that can't sleep well knowing that there's something unresolved or left unclear. So, she messaged me when she felt better (that's the best way to communicate right?) to clear things up. Knowing what went wrong, instantly gave me a sense of relief and at the same time, allowed me to think things through better. No, I didn't managed to sleep well because when I do something terribly wrong, naturally I can't sleep at all (it's like a curse, an atonement of which I must pay for, for a terrible act).

All this while, I thought I was rather good at communicating. But I think she's the better one. Between the both of us, she'll voice out when things aren't right. Sometimes, too straight out with me (like no-mercy kind of voice), LOL. I might not like it all the times, but I know it's necessary, and because of that I love her even more.

Oh something interesting which she told me - she's a Gemini. I don't usually indulge myself in horoscope, zodiac or superstitious kind of things, but when it comes to her, whatever information given, I'll put it to good use. So, then I went and research a little more about it. And guess what, it states that Gemini are the better communicators. Of course, there are many other things to read up about as well. The only other thing that caught my eye was that Leo & Gemini are awesome partners! =P I read enough, and that's all I need for now =D

Monday 6 July 2015

04072015-05072015 Cameron Highland Weekend Getaway

A few of us having been to Cameron Highland before, so figured that since this weekend would be a great chance for us to take a short trip!

Woke up early and off we headed our way to Cameron Highland
4 pairs in total!
However, we went off track and arrived in Ipoh for brunch.

 After much delayed, we finally arrived at our first stop!

Of course, the natural thing to do is to take pictures!

Gotta take a shot of angel-min =P

Beautiful petunia! 

Gotta have a picture of myself too! 

I'm not sure but I think Min was trying to reach out to the branch there 

 Min looking cool with the aviator shades

Min on the swing~ 

Close up shot of a flower 

 I found my flower 

 Looks like she's walking through a garden of flowers

This is us! 

Close up of another type of flower 

At castle Lavender 

 Min does a better job at this than me!

If you're wondering why there's only been me and Min so far, well that's because others were still on their way up. I guess we had a heavy brunch, and they couldn't handle the extra weight as well as wel did *Ooo burn~~ lols* Actually, they weren't familiar with the road, and I was rather fast going uphill.

 The second pair finally arrived!

With their help, we got this picture! 

And the others soon arrived as well, so seeing that we had the head start, we told them to go around and enjoy themselves first, before meeting up on the way out.

Min and the car 

People hang their padlocks with messages here

Thought of posing, but my smile sorta spoilt it, lol

I'm not sure how closely related this cat is to Hello Kitty
but Min sure looks good with it!

I'm a corn! 

Oh look she's a corn too!

Me, Min and michael-the-Angel-lo? 

A shot of Min taking a shot of something

Ahh, this must be the boot-plant!
Kidding, there's no such thing~ 

Another picture of us 

After much walk around, it is a must to get ourselves some delightful treat!
Lavender Ice Cream 

We like our ice cream!

They very good in posing! 

You can try and caption this! 

We found another couple walking about.
Suddenly felt like a paparazzi =P

And they spotted us!

I can't tell if they were doing a selfie or taking a picture of us. 

On our way out! 

Panoramic view of the lavender farm 

A wefie is a must, especially when all of us are gathered!

Right after the visit to Lavender farm, it began to rain.
We went back to our hotel and rested, until it was time for dinner.
What's a better dinner than Steamboat on a rainy day?! 

Couldn't get enough of excitement.
Second round was at the hotel! 


The panoramic view from the balcony.
Oh did you know that Berjaya's hotel in Cameron Highland is now known as Copthorne Hotel?
It's formerly known as Equatorial Hotel. 

It was hard to get this picture, had to edit it several times.
I wonder how people can take picture like this with bright background, without needing to edit.
Is it even possible?
This is certainly the most epic picture!
I'm disappearing and Min looks like she's seen a ghost!

She's looking at the town

The first shot didn't turned out to be well.
After fine-tuning it a little, it was much better 

Min =)

We all did our little shopping at the market nearby our hotel, and then we moved on to our next agenda - to visit the Boh Tea farm!

Panoramic view of the tea farm near to the Boh Tea area.

As you can see the weather's not looking too good from down here,
so we needed to hurry to take our pictures around this area

Min in the tea garden

Min & I in the tea garden

Ke Xin & Min, in the tea garden

The girls~ in the tea garden

And of course, we in the tea garden!

Min's so happy!

And then we walked up to the Boh Tea farm

Here's a panoramic view of the farm, from the cafe!

What a wonderful couple shot eh? =D

It's kinda windy

Sorry, I meant it was very windy~!

It got somewhat manageable after that =D

All of us again on the way down, and that's the end of the Cameron Highland short trip