Who is Jeff Ong?
Jeffrey Ong is my birth name. Over the years, I've been going about with the Internet moniker of "Jeffro Ong" or for short "Jeffro". That was the only quickest way to identify myself uniquely from the rest of the Jeffrey's =) Recently, I've made it even shorter and friendlier, with "Jeff' Ong". It sounds more professional too, don't you think so?Why do I blog?
For fun, I guess. I used blog - like way back in the 2008, for a few good years. But, then many things happened, and I eventually stopped it all. I got a good deal from Shinjiru for my current domain, and decide to give it a go again. This time, make it more professional. For now, let's just keep it simple and see how things go.
What do I do?
Currently, I'm an e-Business Analyst with a software house company (names can be sensitive, so I decide to leave out the company name). I've been with the company just a little over a year now. I won't bore you with the details of my job scope, so here's something you can read about if you have the time : What Does a BA Actually Do? It'll sum up most of what I do now.My past experiences:
- Training Consultant and Sales Executive with a training company that provides out-of-the-box software training and customized business and communications training. Involved with planning and scheduling of training for corporate clients, liaison between corporate clients and private trainers, and assisting in training budgetary for corporate clients.
- Media Consultant and Business Development Executive with a digital production company that provides advertising services to corporate clients. Involved with planning and implementation of advertising and marketing strategy for corporate clients.
- Freelance Photographer & Events Planner.
- The rest you can read up on my LinkedIn.
Where to find me?
I'm mostly based around Kuala Lumpur (KL) & Petaling Jaya (PJ). But, here are some social sites where you might find my presence :)
How ... ?
This seems to be the famous question many people tend to ask, and also the same question many people tend to get. How this, How that. If you have any of these for me, I welcome you to directly email me and we'll get to the how =)
Updated as of 3rd January 2015
Updated as of 3rd January 2015