Sunday, 28 May 2017

Stop Trying Hard To Please Everyone

I have a confession to make, and I'm doing this because I'm finally able to come clean and be honest with myself. So, what led to this? I have come to realize that I have been trying so hard to please everyone and appeal to people as a good friend (and hopefully a dependable one too). I constantly get on the better side of people, and by doing that, sometimes it works against my natural behavior (and eventually causes a conflict within myself). Sometimes being a diplomatic may seem as a good move to avoid conflict, but in the long run if I don't make decisions for myself because I'm too concerned if others might be offended, I might just lose myself in the process. It's the same advise I'd given to my friends, but somewhat unknowingly I fall victim to the very same scenario too. However, it's gotta stop. 

I am a good friend (probably better than I might imagine, I don't know), I am a good support too, I am opinionated, I am highly versatile, I am multi-talented with vast interest, I do crave for limelight, I love the feeling of winning, I dislike losing but I can accept it, I am very analytical, I do a lot of self reflection (in a matter of time), I feel a lot of emotions on the inside but I am scarily collected and calm on the outside, I can smile in the toughest time because that is the only way I can feel stronger, I often make a joke or a bad pun in serious situations to ease out any tension, I want to be someone's hero one day, and this is who I am.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Night Time is Bright Time

It is this time of night (approx. 1:00AM at the time of writing), that I spend time either learning some new stuff from the Internet (namely YouTube), or reflecting on what has happened earlier in the day or week (depending on how frequent the reflection happens). Yeah, I think a lot at night. Might not come as surprising to many people, since there are many out there who are like me.

It's funny (or weird) how only night time I feel at ease or at peace with my thoughts and that I can truly get things sorted out. I tend to be able to think better with an unbiased mindset and make certain life decisions. Yup, I make my decisions and choices after putting in some thoughts and risk calculation (or rather gut feel) there.

In fact, if I'm not too tired from all the work during the day, and the learning in the night, I can even continue my work or plan the work for the following day. It's not that I love the work or am a workaholic, it's just that I think it'll make life easier that way for myself. After all, I have the capacity to do so - stretch the limits right? Hahaha.

Many don't know or don't appreciate how important it is to do personal reflection (be it a particular day or time of day). I've learned much from my past experiences and others, that taking a step back to reflect back on what I've done and spending quality time with myself allows me to "observe" what went wrong and what went right, how did the interaction with someone else went, how do I feel about certain matters and why did I have feel that way. These are very important elements in every day life that many of us tend to miss out as we brisk through the days busily to achieve our goals.

My nights felt very bright, perhaps even brighter than day light itself, because I can see the "light" at the end of the tunnel after reviewing things. Sometimes, I managed to find the answers I'm looking for, sometimes I ended up with more questions. Sometimes, I recalled of certain past memories, while there are many other times I think of the possible future based on my current circumstances. There are even times I missed people who are at a distance, but I'll also look forward to meeting like-minded friends who I've yet to befriend. See how bright it is yet? =D

My Web Blog Article Got Published!

Well, technically only Part 1 of 2-parts blog was published. Still, it is an #achievementunlocked! So, what happened was I submitted my draft, had it reviewed and was corrected a few times over. Only took forever for that to end. Hahaha just kidding! It was a few times bouncing back and forth between myself and the reviewer. Once done, it was marked as ready for publishing and when the date arrived, it went online - on the corporate web forum! *omg so excited!*

The feedback those who read it were very encouraging! Of course, none of this would be possible if I hadn't had support from my friends and colleagues. Willing to try is one thing, having the courage to see it through is another. Oh, I can't wait for my second part to be published too!

Let me see if I can get permission to upload my web blog here, once both parts are out on the corporate forum! Hehe =D

P/s: I'm also writing a personal piece. Hint: It's about heroes! (but don't get your hopes too high on it!)