Sunday 10 May 2015

09052015 Panda's Farewell BBQ Dinner

Another colleague and friend of ours is leaving the company to pursue greatness on the outside. That person is Panda aka Wui Liang. Though we've not work in the same project or side by side before, I know that he's a good and reliable person and friend. We've hung out a couple of times to know that much :)

So last night was to celebrate the joy of him having found a better opportunity and to wish him all the best in his future endeavors. What better way to celebrate it than to have a private BBQ dinner session with the BWG? =D

That's our group in preparation for a great feast! 

Some of us working hard to prepare the awesome food 

 Taking turns to check on the food

Setting the table up with food, lots of FOOD! 

Upload of the food being barbequed 

 Side view shots of Le-chef~!

Fruit Beer, courtesy of Jess 

 Lots of drinks, with some healthy selection? lol

Kate & Min
They're both just literally waiting for food... 

Siew Keng super happy to get her first wings of the evening!
Panda sneakily getting into the shot 

 Siew Keng nom-ing into the chicken wings.

 Min's turn to chomp on the chicken wings.

 It's Dickson's turn!

How can we forget Panda right? 

While waiting for more food, them girls seated at the table chatting away.

 That's a ridiculous shot me nom-ing on the barbequed corn

Our barista for a brief moment. Sen Yee prepared a kick-ass drink! 

 Panda & Carl, the couple shot!

Panda with "I'm so chilled" and Carl with "I'll miss you" shot! 

Took a mug shot of them while waiting for them to be in place.
Min looks so drunk =P

Mug shot No.2 

 The last mug shot

The normal group shot
From left (back): Kwang Chin, Dickson, Stephen, Chung How, Shi Hao, Tommy, Cheah Xien, Jess, Wan Pin & Siew Keng
From left (front): Chun Wah, Panda, Carl, Me, Min, Sen Yee, Kate & Sui Peng

The fun group shot 

 The last group shot!
Panda has the funniest expressions!

Couldn't resist myself to create a GIF wefie of us! 

We tried wefie-ception !

Our super cute wefie

We had almost everyone joined in this wefie, but still blur.
Attempt failed.

The best wefie we managed to take but someone's still missing.

After our BBQ session, we cleaned up and went up to Carl's place to chill a while before heading home.

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